Thursday, August 4, 2011


Hello Everyone,

We had a few orders and I just wanted to share some pics with you, Hope everyone has a great day!

Strawberry w/ strawberry buttercream, Chocolate w/ Chocolate ganache
Red Velvet w/ Cream Cheese frosting & Vanilla w/ Vanilla buttercream

Strawberry w/ strawberry buttercream, Red Velvet w/ Cream Cheese frosting
Chocolate w/ Chocolate buttercream, & Chocolate w/ Vanilla buttercream

Chocolate w/ Chocolate buttercream & Vanilla w/ Vanilla buttercream

Coconut Almond w/ Chocolate butter
w/ almonds & coconut as a garnish

Monday, August 1, 2011

Calavera Cakery: cupcake monogram toppers finished!

Calavera Cakery: cupcake monogram toppers finished!: "I always told my art students to mix WAY more paint than they thought they needed when trying to get a specific color because if you run out..."

A variety of cupcakes

Hello Everyone,
About two weeks ago we had a  cupcake tasting and we made about 9 different flavors. Strawberry with strawberry buttercream frosting with a stawberry on top, Blueberry with cream cheese frosting with a blueberry on top, Banana with cream cheese frosting with walnuts on top, Lemon with lemon buttercream frosting, Key Lime with cream cheese frosting, Cranberry with white chocolate with white chocolate buttercream, Carrot with a pinch of cinnamon with cream cheese frosting, Oreo with oreao buttercream, and Vanilla with chocolate buttercream frosting.   Everyone loved them, they were a hit. That was not even all of the flavors. Here are the pics.